Tuesday, August 15, 2006


OK, so I just downed a cup o' Joe with some expresso in the mix. So I feel as if I were a chihuahua on CRACK!!!!!! However, I refuse to let this stop my blog. I don't plan on writing everyday but shit... why not today?? Ok lets start shall we.
I don't know what talk about so lets start with colors and from those color we will pick the color blue. I say FUCK BLUE!!! thats right its unnecessary. We already have green and yellow, I say blue is not needed, not only not needed but its a tag along, a third wheel, an unwanted guest, a blight on the color cycle, its the kind of color that makes other colors look bad. Not only does it look bad it sounds bad also. WHY?? well lets start with the b in blue its a buh sound ... like the word bad, next is the bl which sound like blow well blue blows blatently (alliteration rocks!!!!). Then you finish the pronunciation with blu the e isn't even necessary its a damned extra it just takes up space, makes us breath more air to pronounce a four letter word that only uses 3 in pronunciation. You know why it does that?? Cause blue is mean. Another thing I don't like about blue are all the damned options one has these days not like brown, or red those are easy people don't say "Yes I took a shit yesterday and it came out between a hazelnut and almond color" they say " I took a big brown shit yesterday and it happend to have red blood in it." At which point one might say well its good it didn't come out orange, just orange mind you not orange peel, or tangerine, or shit dark yellow just good old orange. With blue though its a constant battle to define its blueness. You have blue, light blue, dark blue, midnight sky blue, periwinkle (sidenote: Remember Bullwinkle from Rocky and Bullwinkle show?? He SUCKS!!!!: end side note), sky blue, steel blue, teal, aqua, aqua marine (which I say is just green, if you look at it its about as blue as a blueberry which is really purple), sea blue, ocean blue, river blue, lake blue and the list goes on and on. If one was so inclined he could write a book with just different names for the color blue and hopefully no one would buy it and one would die the slow painful death of tertiary syphilis with herpes, chlamydia, gonnorhea, Rickets, and cholera that one deserves for writing such a book. So in conclusion blue sucks, all the other colors are ok but blue sucks unless its just regular blue then its ok.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok first: that thing about you and the expresso... I don't think it's a good at idea.

second: blue is a good color. In fact it is the closest to perfection. why? simple blue is everywhere, and the fact about the pronunciation, Jesus! having a letter that is not pronounced is so fashion.

third: blue is exclusive... when you talk about clothes, I mean everyone looks fine with black or white... some colors are for white people like gray and red... others are for black people: pink and orange... but blue! only especial people can wear a blue thing without looking like an asshole.

fourth: blue means VIP... remember "blue blood"

fifth: in some religions blue denotates prosperity and wealthiness

sixth and more important: I LOVE BLUE, in fact blue is my favorite color.

Think about it... blue is everywhere and it fits perfect: like me ;)

10:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just wanna say, when trying one of those expressos again, be sure to do it just before you get out of your house and on your way to run a 10km race, otherwise, please dont, ever again.

Blue, shit its just blue leave the damn color at ease, and take care of yourself, i read your other blog about LOVE, I think it is a Luxury too, but you know what, it think it is a luxury worth having, thats all i have to say.

10:13 PM  
Blogger Vero said...

Didja kno that without blue you can't have green -^^
Silly gordito -^^
I wanna see you drink another one of those btw.... -^^

4:59 PM  

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