Friday, November 17, 2006

The Worlds Smallest Violin by Vibreo

Well guys, I did my best. I studied like a jack ass and I'm not sure it was enough, it looks like my going home chances have just been boosted by like 10000%. Where was my fault?? Why did I do so bad on this test??? And more importantly what are the odds of my making it????? Well my fault was a several things at once.
Perhaps I didn't study enough. I spent maybe 2 hours studying everyday and more on alot of days. But I was studying wrong, like we used to say in band "Practice makes permanent" not perfect. My study method was faulty. So for this test that I took today I took out all the stops, I paid a friend to make me flash cards, I swallowed my pride (which really really fucking hurt) and went to a doctor who "helps" students with what to study (he doesn't give answers but students who go to him all of a sudden get much higher grades), plus alot of studying, I also watched videos that we were supposed to watch, imagined everything in my head and highlighted. All of this effort has lead to.............probable failure. How? you say. Well, instead of saying "the teachers asked shit we didn't go over in class", or they left out the last half of everything that we saw, or their questions were more confused than a 14 year old boy who gets aroused at seeing his dad naked, I'll just say that I guess I didn't do good enough. It doesn't much matter right now.
Or perhaps I'm not smart enough. I don't really believe this one. Its not that I'm arrogant I just don't think that's the problem.
I went to a special class today for those of us who need help passing. We see a psychologist as a group and have one on one sessions. I normally talk about life and things like that with the teacher. In the group sessions we report how we're doing. Today she told us that we should try to be more strategic in our methods for passing classes. Strategic means that we compromise some of our values in order to pass, it does not mean go out and cheat, but if you know someone tends to whisper answers while he/she thinks its best to sit near that person. I don't know how I feel about that. On the one hand it will probably help pass, on the other it feels immoral. So I don't think I'll do that, I feel bad enough having gone to a "special" tutoring session.
To make a long story short, shit happend, I'm sad, I wanna go home and I have tests from tuesday to friday of next week including a final for the class that I probably just failed that's supposed to help us pass but in reality is made to fail us. Just thought I'd let all you guys that read my blog know that I might be coming up soon to stay. I feel like a person too dumb to know that he's dead, somewhere I still feel the hope of passing smothered below the heavy reality of my grades.


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