Sunday, October 22, 2006

Today I've decided to figure out the meaning of life. I might be wrong but at least I tried. The meaning of life is a personal revelation, and has no application towards groups/communities/pairs, it is only for you. The meaning of life is not expressed by words, it is expressed by an emotion deep within us so deep that the light of our conciousness can't penetrate its realm without extreme effort, words can only approximate its meaning and so can only describe but not define it. The meaning of life is unimportant unless you've done everything in life, only a life lived to its fullest will ever grasp it, perhaps those of us who only live life full or well served can only glimpse it. Now that I've explained that, here goes nothing. The meaning to my life is this, I am a catalyst, I will move people to action, I will make the world a better place. This is my purpose, and whatever I do in life I can not escape this, the meaning of my life was shaped towards who I am not the other way around. No matter what I do, what I achieve, my meaning will be my defining characteristic. I may not be great, remembered or loved; I might be insignificant, forgetten and hated but I will be these things because of those things I will do. Our destiny may be invisible to us but our meaning is just a matter of reflection, what will you be remembered as, what will you do?

As a final note, I do not presume to comment on the life of another this is merely a self reflection, an answer for me.


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