Monday, October 16, 2006

Just here by Vibreo

So I have a test in about 8 hours and you know what I'm thinking about??
How best to go insane. Now If you were to just go regular insane I don't think you'd have much fun, cause people would just sort of shun and ignore you. This of course would just make you more insane and well then you wouldn't be able to enjoy it. So I say go a little crazy but in an eccentric way, like: collect dead cats on sticks, chew gum you find in public places, attempt to say all fifty states in alphabetical order and every time you mess up scream out "FUCK!!" then do a double take and tell everyone "Its ok folks he's got Touretts.", talk to strangers about the intracacies of whale compulation or any kind of large sea mammal, reminice about that time you had an affair with a marsupial (koala, kangaroo, anything interesting) in a bar and then say "Am I right? Or am I right??", tell people that touching your left shoulder causes sexual stimulation and constantly rub it, everytime you blink name any organism (bacteria, plant, animal, fungus, etc), enter a controversial conversation about abortion and support prochoice because fetus is tasty, walk up to a random person and rip out a chunk of hair in front of them then ask them to guess what they have in your hand, talk to a mime and then get mad when he doesn't talk back and if all these fail then just walk around in public places naked. All these should make you famous if not at an international level at least at the level of your local community.
Just thought you guys might need some ideas. Ciao!!


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