Monday, September 04, 2006

First Grade by Vibreo

My 1st grade teacher was either Mrs. Janet Schooly, I don't remember if she had us call her Mrs. Janet or Mrs. Schooly but she didn't like one of them. I remember Mrs. Janet was an elderly woman but she always had a smile. That was the year I entered UIL in the story telling section. I don't remember what days they were but I would go to the second grade hall to a room I no longer remember and the teacher would have us listen to a story and then retell it from memory. I remember the teacher thought I was talented and enjoyed hearing my story. The rules of the story telling were to tell the story well and to remember it well. I remember I had alot of fun with that. Thats how I spent the afternoons while my mom worked I waited for her in practice. In class Mrs. Schooly showed off the brand new computers we would work with. I remember nothing about those except that they existed. In first grade I had a friend named Steven de la Garza he was very white. I also was friends with Matthew whose last name I don't remember. In that grade I met Therese Mathers and liked a girl Alexus Fruia (even though she didn't like me at all). By now I had been moved to GT section of school (gifted and talented) so I was among the smart kids. If you ask me all kids are dumb my self included. I was in choir also, I believe the name of the choir teacher was Mr Garcia he had a beard but I'm not sure. He taught us some song about an alligator that sang Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do backwards and so to this day I can still say Do Ti La Sol Fa Mi Re Do rather quickly. Not many kids could do it, I could. This is also the year that I discovered 3 more things. The first is that ants are tasty, I would sit outside somedays and eat ants while I waited for my mother. I would let the ants climb crackers (that I don't remember how I got) and then just go to town. The second was that in the office there were little machines that if I put in a quarter I got a pencil. Some how I bought a pencil everyday, stole several pencils everyday and still managed never to have a pencil. This of course deals with two things fundamental to my behavior: 1. I like to break things as long as they are hard to break, 2. I am quite unfocused. Third I learned of the game "The Quiet Game", right now I realize this was an easy way for the teachers to shut me up. At that time I didn't care, I was KING of the quiet game. I couldn't be beat, I would sit without saying a word for 30 mins if I had to and I almost always won. The only reason I don't say I always won is because I seem to remember losing but I can't be sure. Anyway, that was first grade.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention me you bastard....the one friend you had in that class that you still have.

Im hurt.

8:42 PM  

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