Monday, January 08, 2007

The Shoemaker. By Alberto Cortez. Translation Vibreo

God took the form of a beggar, and came to earth. He found the house of the Shoemaker and told him "Brother, I am poor with not a cent to my name. I have only these sandals they are torn and I have no one else to turn to." The Shoemaker told him "I'm so tired of everyone always coming to take and never give." So the beggar replied "I can give you what you need." The Shoemaker looking skeptically at the beggar said "You could give me the million dollars that I need to be happy??" The Lord answered "I can give you ten times that but in exchange for something." The Shoemaker asked "In exchange for what?" "In exchange for your legs." The Shoemaker responded "Why would I want ten million dollars if I won't be able to walk?" So the Lord said "I can give you 100 million dollars in exchange for your.... arms." The Shoemaker answered " Why would I want 100 million dollars if I won't even be able to eat by myself?" So finally the Lord said "Fine, I can give you one billion dollars in exchange for your eyes." The Shoemaker thought for a second and said "Why would I want one billion dollars if I'll never again see my wife and my sons or my friends!!?" And the Lord responded "Ah my brother, what a fortune you have!! that you've never valued."


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